1. I am out of debt and all of my needs are met, and I have plenty of more to put in store.
Philippians 4:19
2. God has pleasure in my prosperity, therefore I do not lack any good thing.
Psalms 35:27 34:10
3. I am a giver and generous in all ways therefore my hands will be blessed and my soul shall be made fat.
Proverbs 11:25
4. I am in the body of Christ, and Satan has No Power over me.
1st Corinthians 12:27 & Luke 10:19
5. I am the head and not the tail, I am above only and never beneath.
Deuteronomy 28:13
6. God has not given me the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind.
2nd Timothy 1:7
7. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
8. I cast my cares on Him because He cares for me.
1st Peter. 5:7
9. I am the righteousness of God.
1st Corinthians 5:21
10. His banner over me is love.
Song of Solomon 2:4
11. Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Psalms 23:6
12. I overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony.
Revelation 12:11
13. I am healed from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet.
1st Peter 2:24
14. I trust in the Lord with all my heart, and He directs my paths. Therefore I consistently make wise decisions.
Proverbs 3:5,6
15. God’s plans for me are for a hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
16. I sow bountifully and I reap bountifully.
2nd Corinthians 9:6
17. I delight myself in the Lord, and he gives me the desires of my heart.
Psalms 37:4
18. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
1st John 4:4
19. I will seek first God’s Kingdom and All that I need will be provided for me.
Matthew 6:33
20. The devouring spirit is out of and off of my finances forever because I am a faithful consistent tither.
Malachi 3:11
21. Generational wealth is mine. I will store up an inheritance for my children.
Proverbs 13:22
22. God causes those that love Him to inherit substance.
Proverbs 8:21
23. I receive God’s law from His mouth through His Word and God blesses me with Good, and All Iniquity is broken off of my life.
Job 22:22-24
24. I trigger my harvests through my seeds of obedience.
Job 36:11
25. God’s Spirit enables me, therefore I shout Grace Grace to all my troubles.
Zechariah 4:6-7


I was working on the church newsletter and wanted to add a poem for black history month. I couldn’t find one that had the Christian undertones that I wanted. You see, while I am an African-American pastor, I pastor other races as well. After searching and being frustrated that I couldn’t find what I wanted; I decided, why not just write one. Here is what I came up with. It’s called “I Am Black”
“I am Black”
I am black, I am free
I am all God made me to be.
My heart has been heavy from
Years of hatred and strife
But I’m proud to be black
Because my God gave me this life.
I am black, and I am smart
I believe my color
Is some of God’s greatest art.
Whomever looks down on me
Is too blind to see
That I’m just being
All God created me to be.
I am black, but not overly proud
Because there is one point
I must make very loud.
My greatest pride is not my skin.
It’s in the shed blood of Christ,
In Whom All colors can WIN.
By Andre Mitchell

8 Keys to Becoming a More Effective Preacher

Briefly the other morning I began to contemplate what makes a preacher effective. Considering that I preach often, questions like these are great for me to ponder. I was shocked at the rapid fire responses that flooded my brain. I took a moment to organize my thoughts and quickly realized I had blog material on my hand. Being a fan of alliteration I wondered could I deduce these reasonings down to ideas with the same letter. Sure enough, I could. So, I did and here they are.
1. Understand your Assignment
Every preacher must understand their assignment. This first requires a close relationship with the assigner. We must always remember we are the messenger, but God is the owner of the message. He also has predetermined how it should be delivered, to whom it will be delivered to, and why. Before you preach, know what the Master desires and determine yourself to not get in the way (which is easier said then done). Ask yourself this question what is the end goal God is after with this particular message. Knowing that is half the battle. Once you know what God is speaking to His people; then and only then should you add yourself to the equation. Because if you’re not careful you will speak your opinions, and ultimately elevate your agenda above God’s purpose.
2. Understand your Audience
3. Understand your Atmosphere
4. Understand your Argument
Every preacher must understand their argument. What is it that you are talking about? Yes you heard from God, but are you delivering it in a way that makes sense. Is it succinct. Look at the angles. Play the advocate. Question what you are saying. Research it. Expose the holes in what you are saying, and rework them until the holes aren’t there. Sure someone will still disagree with you, but you want it to be because they simply refuse to believe and not because you were woefully inaccurate. It’s very difficult to be persuasive in what you are not convinced of yourself. You can’t wait until you’re in the pulpit, behind the podium. As a rule of thumb, don’t study to preach; study to live, and then preach what you live.
5. Understand your Anointing
6. Understand your need to Adapt
Every preacher must understand their need to adapt. What I mean here is outside influences. Don’t forget we have an enemy and distraction is one of his main weapons while ministry is going forth. Don’t be so rigid. Learn how to adapt. Mics will malfunction. Babies will scream. People will walk at odd times. Cell phones will ring. Don’t lose your focus, adapt. Even laugh about the situation. Never let the devil see you sweat. Never lose your ultimate focus. You know your assignment, your audience, and your argument; you are an unstoppable force in this moment in time. Stay the course, adapt, and finish strong.
7. Understand your need to Adjust
Every preacher must understand their need to adjust. I know this sounds like what we just covered. However with adapt I meant outside influences, but with adjust I mean inside influences. I’ve spoken about our assigner, God The Father. Yet, let me speak of The Holy Spirit inside of us. Don’t become so focused that you neglect the inward Witness inside of you. Don’t be so confined to your notes that you must say them verbatim and leave no room for the Spirit inside of you to speak. Adjust to what you feel inside. Some of this worlds greatest messages were birthed in the moment where the preacher dared to adjust to what was pounding in their heart and overrode their head to declare what “Thus says The Lord”. Please don’t misunderstand this to mean being unprepared or under prepared. It’s time out for all of this winging it in the pulpit. Yet there is a power inside of all of us that should have free course to take over knowing that ultimately we will adjust and yield ourselves to this power from within.
8. Understand your Appearance matters
Every preacher must understand that people see you long before they hear you. How you look, how you dress, and how you present yourself all matters. Indeed the Bible says “Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart” but you aren’t talking to God you are talking to humans. As the scripture forewarns; humans judge the outside. There’s a statistic floating around that human beings make judgments about each other in the first 3 seconds of meeting. Often before you ever take the stage you are judged. If you look unkempt, someone can assume your message is unkempt as well. The same goes if you look disheveled. Sure you can win them over with content, but its better to show up looking the part. If need be, ask ahead about dress code. Few things are more awkward than being either overdressed or under dressed for an occasion. Appropriate dressing includes both appropriate sizes and modesty; especially for female ministers . Use the power of a mirror to your advantage. Use advice from television, magazines, and others around you to avoid fashion faux pas. You never want to be a visible distraction to you hearers. Lastly remember that you are speaking for God, so your attire and overall appearance should reflect that.