“Hear my cry Oh Lord, give ear unto my earnest prayer.” What a heartfelt sincere prayer. Sometimes we can pray from the mountain top; praying with powerful mountain moving faith, calling down power from on high into a situation. Yet how do you pray when you’re in the valley, not sure if you will survive another day? Deep down you know you should have the faith to believe you will make it, but truth is you don’t. You know God loves you, but you sure don’t feel Him right now. You know your sin debt has been paid, yet yielding to temptation seems a much better idea than fighting another losing battle. What is the use? You are saved but not certain when the last time you’ve seen considerable growth in your personal life. Church is cool and all, but once it’s over you seem to stare the same old problems in the face. The biggest problem stares back at you every time you encounter a mirror. Oh Lord what are you to do in a predicament like this?
I’ve got a 1 word answer for you: WORSHIP! One of the key ingredients of worship was told to us by the master himself. When Jesus encountered the woman at the well, they had a very memorable discourse. This encounter was so life changing that this woman with a shady past turned into a great evangelist telling everyone to “Come See A Man”. Yet hidden in this story is a glimpse into how Christ himself viewed worship. In John 4:23-24(niv) Jesus says “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
You see worship is not just about being spiritual, it is also about being truthful. In moments of extreme pressure and affliction don’t try too get so deep that you are no longer honest. Sometimes our troubles never get any better because we’ve trained ourselves to pretend they do not exist. This is not God’s idea of worship. God is looking for a people that despite the problem, they are
You are worshiping because you are letting both heaven and earth know that when you are overwhelmed you can look to a God that is never stressed out. When you are broken you can call to a God that remains whole. When you are sick you yet know you serve a God that still is a divine healer. When you are unrighteous, you know a God that forever embodies righteousness from His head down to His toe. It is worship because in the trial you reach an honest realization that says God without you I am nothing. God I trust you. You can deliver me in 10 seconds, 10 minutes, or 10 years but one thing I know only You alone Father can do it. Daddy, only you can bring me out.
The first time Satan realizes that even your most confounding of problems still drive you back to seeking God; he will know you are a lost cause. He knows he will never have power over you again because in good times or in bad times you still have a heart that will worship. A Christian with the Heart of a Worshiper is a dangerous threat to the kingdom of darkness. I encourage you to ask God to allow a heart of worship to be birthed in you today. Then, as you develop, you will be able to boldly declare like the Apostle Paul “Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ…” (2 Corinthians 2:14a).